
    Soil Cover With Organic Mulch and Its Influences on Soil Physical Parameters (Ⅰ)——Soil Moisture Content Under Organic Mulch

    • 摘要: 利用有机废弃物覆盖地面是在自然种植条件下调节土壤水分以促进作物生长的农业技术措施。以田间实验为基础,分析了在不同有机物覆盖层厚度下不同位置处土壤湿度的变化。与对照处理相比,有机物覆盖使覆盖带中部土壤表层的湿度显著提高,同时覆盖带具有显著的边缘效应。覆盖对土壤湿度的作用效果随着土壤深度的增加而减小,在20cm土壤深处覆盖层对土壤湿度无显著的影响


      Abstract: Using organic waste material asmulch for soil cover is a technicalmeasure for regulating soilmoisture content to improve plant growth under natural cultivation condition. Based on field experiment the changes of soil moisture content under different thickness of organic mulch and in different places of cover band were studied. In comparison with a bare soil the soil moisture content was significantly increased on soil surface layer in the middle of cover band. The edge effect was also significant on soil surface layer. The effect iveness of soil cover on soil moisture content decreased with the increase of soil depth, at 20 cm soil depth the effect of soil cover on soilmoisture content was not significant.


