
    Investigation of Adaptive Spark Timing Control System for Gasoline Engine

    • 摘要: 设计一种对小型汽油机使用单片微机进行自适应控制以使其获得最佳点火时间的控制系统。该系统以发动机的转速为反馈信息,构成闭环控制。该系统硬件主要由磁电式传感器,8098单片微机,2864EPROM以及电容充电式点火装置组成。试验表明:该系统可使汽油机在各种稳定工况时的点火时间均为最佳值,与原无触点电子点火系统相比,油耗下降2%~7%,最大功率增加6%,最大扭矩提高2%。


      Abstract: In this paper, an adaptive spark timing control system for gasoline engine controlled by micro computer is introduced. It can be used for getting the best igniting time of the gasoline miniengine.The hardwares of the system consist of magneto sensor,intel8098,2864 EPROM and capacitor igniting system.The results from steady state engine bench test show that using the adaptive spark timing control system , the fuel consumption decreases by 2%~7%,the largest power increases by 6 % and the biggest to rsion increases by 2%。


