
    Exploitation of Submersed Macrophytes Resources and Lake Protection

    • 摘要: 以机械化方式大规模开发沉水植物资源不仅可为养殖业提供大量高蛋白草粉饲料,而且还是针对大型植物响应型湖泊富营养化十分关键的防治对策。根据试验研究提出了一项开发利用沉水植物资源与湖泊保护兼顾进行的实用技术,可为湖区农牧渔业可持续发展创造良性循环的生态环境。


      Abstract: Exploiting submersed acrophytes resource by mechanization method not only can provide a great quantity of high protein fodder, but also can be a main rest raining countermeasure to lake entrophication. According to the research result, a practical technology of exploiting submersed macrophytes resource and protecting lake is advanced in this paper. It may create an ecological environment of fine circulation for sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry.


