
    A Numerical Model for Coupling Movement of Water Heat and Salt in Soil Under the Conditions of Frozen,Unfrozen, Saturated and Unsaturated

    • 摘要: 以土壤物理基本定律为基础,建立了结冻、未结冻、饱和、非饱和土壤的水热盐耦合运动通用模型。该通用模型可简化为土壤水或热运动的单一模型。通过二维有限元数值解、一维模拟程序的编制和计算预测,与内蒙河套长胜渠杨树壕试验点在1988年秋~1989年春期间耕层积盐过程实测值对照,模型得到初步验证及应用。


      Abstract: A numerical model for water heat and salt movement in frozen or unfrozen, saturated or unsaturated soils was developed. A 2-dimension FEM algorithmic solution and a 1-dimension computer program were given. The model was validated with field data only in the case of silt accumulation in the early spring through the 1986~1987 on the J33 test plot at Hetao Irrigation Scheme, Innermongolia.


