
    Experimental Study on the Tire Rolling Disability Under Running Condition

    • 摘要: 根据新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠地区的特点,分析研究了该地区车辆行驶时的轮胎滚动失效性能。并以“5.00-10”轮胎为例,进行试验研究。得出该轮胎于新疆沙地上滚动失效性能的试验结果。


      Abstract: The tire rolling disability which is running in Takelamagan desert in Xinjing has been studied in this paper.An  experimental study has been carried out by taking the tire “5.00~10” as an example. The experimental results of this tire rolling disability in Xinjiang sand is obtained. The study will lay a foundation for further research in this area.


