
    Study on the Model and Simulation of Border Irrigation and Its Application

    • 摘要: 根据我国地面灌现状提出极限灌水状态和最佳灌水状态及其灌水技术参数的概念。用Newton-Raphson法和Preisman法对畦灌田面行水流动的零惯性模型进行求解,实现畦灌田面行水流动模拟。在此基础上探讨了畦灌的行水、入渗机理。用计算机模拟试验方法建立极限灌水定额q、L关系的数学模型,并研究灌水技术参数q、L对极限灌水定额的影响,进而探讨了q、L对灌溉系统性能的影响。给出了适宜的畦长L和单宽流量q的确定方法。结合通县宋庄地区实际,给出了该地区冬小麦适宜畦幅规格与灌水技术参数。利用上述畦幅规格与灌水技术参数对冬小麦灌水,收到节水增产的效果。


      Abstract: The concept of optimal irrigation and the zeroinetia models for border irrigation are suggested. The models are solved with the method of NewtonRaphson and Preissmain. The surfacewater flow in the field is simulated. The mechanisms of infiltration and advance are verified. The effect of the technique parameters on the performance of irrigation is studied. The foudamental rule and method of determining the technique parameters is put forward and a program determining parameters and irrigation performance are developed.The results of simulation are verified by field irrigation experiments.


