
    Realization of Rationalization Object of Mechanical Agricultural Production System

    • 摘要: 运用灰色系统理论对河北省芦台农场进行了实现机械化农业生产系统合理化目标的研究,通过定性和定量分析,建立了系统GM(1,6)模型,并根据模型序参量分析系统总体功能的稳定性和协调性,为寻求合理化目标和灰色决策提供理论依据。


      Abstract: A study on the rationalization object of mechanical agricultural production system was carried out by using the Gray System theory in accordance with the characteristics of Lutai Farm in Hebei Province. Through qualitive and quantitive analysis, the system GM(1,6) model was established. According to the sequence variations of the model, the stability and coordination of the overall function were analysed. Thus the theoritical basis was provided for seeking rationalization object and gray decision.


