Effect of Road Conditions on Reactive Power of DoubleAxle Drive Vehicles
摘要: 在建立不同路面条件滑转率计算模型的基础上,推导了前轮大于后轮和前轮小于后轮两种情况下双桥驱动车辆寄生功率的求解方程。以双桥驱动轮式装载机为例,定量地计算了滚动阻力系数、地面土壤状态、土壤相对含水量等地面因素对寄生功率的影响,获得了一些有益的结论。Abstract: Based on the slip ratio calculating model under several road conditions, the equation of reactive power of double-axle drive vehicle is proposed . Taking doubleaxle drive loader as example , the effect of rolling resistance coefficient , soil surfaced road status and soil stickiness on the reactive power are analyzed.