The Evaluation and Approach on Behaviour Engineering of Raising Equipment
摘要: 不同的饲养方法和所采用的机械设备对家畜行为习性有重大影响,传统的饲养设备要继续推动畜牧业生产向前发展已受到种种条件的限制和挑战。文章从家畜行为学和机械学出发,试对目前所使用的养猪饲养设备进行行为工程学评价与探讨,并在此基础上提出几点饲养设备设计新思路。Abstract: The different ways and equipment of raising affect the habits and characteristcs of animal behaviour significantly. The paper evaluates the equipment of raising pigs used at present according to the animal behaviour and mechanical engineering science. Based on the evaluation several new design ideas are put forward.