
    Effect of Ultrafiltration on Aroma Concentration of Strawberry Juice

    • 摘要: 选用“宝交早生”草莓为原料研究了超滤技术对草莓汁中重要芳香成分的影响及主要原因。在聚砜(PS)、磺化聚砜(SPS)、聚砜-磺化聚砜共混膜(PS-SPS)三种超滤膜的比较中筛选出适宜草莓汁澄清的PS膜和PS-SPS共混膜;采用同时蒸馏萃取(SDE)法提取、浓缩果汁中芳香成分,作气谱分析,比较超滤前后芳香成分的变化,共混膜对芳香成分的保留率优于PS单一膜,酸类、醇类芳香成分的保留优于酯类的保留。实验确定了超滤中引起芳香成分损失的三种因素:超滤膜的吸附作用、筛分作用、超滤中循环处理引起的挥发作用。


      Abstract: Strawberry (Hokowasei) juice was clarified by ultrafiltration with different membranes ,including polysulphone (PS),sulfonated polysulphone (SPS)and polysulphone- sulfonated polysulphone(PS-SPS),aroma concentration was extracted in SDE(simultaneous Steam Distillation Extraction) method and determined by Gas Chromatography(GC) .The effect of ultrafiltration on aroma of strawberry juice and the causes of this effect were studied .Compared with SPS ,PS and PS-SPS were better in resistance of pollution and have high rate of water flow after cleaning .PS-SPS was better than PS in aroma retention, while retention of alcohols and acids was higher than esters. The causes of aroma loss were determined: absorption of membrane ,sieving of membrane ,volatilization during ultrafiltration.


