
    Multidimensional Grey Assessment on Influential Factors on Agricultural Mechanization Degree of State Farms

    • 摘要: 根据多维灰评估理论,提出了分析农场农业机械化程度影响因累的多类多因素灰色关联法,并以《全国农垦农业机械化管理年度统计报表》中江苏新洋农场为例进行了分析。结果表明:动力机械和农机具的配套程度和收获机械动力这两个因素对农场农业机械化程度影响最大。


      Abstract: According to multidimension grey assessment theory, the method of grey relative analvsis was proposed to analyze the influential factors on agricultural mechanization of state farms. Taking Jiangsu Province XinYang state farms as an example, the data of“annual statistical report of agricultural mechanization management on state farms”were analyzed. The results indicate that the matching degree of powermachine and agriculturemachine and the harvesting mechanical power have a great influence on agricultural mechanization of state farms.


