
    Study on Monitoring System of Bin State for Feed Processing

    • 摘要: 提出了一种监测系统,可通过计算机应用程序对多个料(桶)仓的料位信号进行巡回和定点检测与显示,且对物料的温度和湿度等参数的监测完全兼容。试验表明,系统的工作性能良好,满足设计和使用要求。


      Abstract: Realtime monitoring system for bin state can raise obviously the level of the scientific management and automatic control for the process of production. This paper put forward a monitoring system that can measure and display material level signal of bins in cycling or selective style by utilizing the application program of the computer. It is also fully compatible with temperature and moisture of materials.The test shows the system has good characteristics and is satisfied for the design and operation requirement.


