
    Study on Vacuum Concentration of QuickDissolve SoyaMilk

    • 摘要: 生产速溶豆粉、浓缩可除去60%~70%的水分,因而大大提高了喷雾干燥设备的效率,同时亦可使速溶豆粉的颗粒增大,色泽改善,减少损失,提高其速溶度,但豆浆浓缩是速溶豆粉生产中加工难度较大的工艺之一。试验表明豆浆的浓度超过25%时,其相对粘度急剧上升,从而影响浓缩加工的正常进行;浓缩产品的粘度过大也会给喷雾干燥增加困难,本文采用试验研究和理论分析相结合的方法、利用正交的回归旋转组合设计方法安排试验,探讨真空浓缩过程中可操作因素对浓缩豆浆粘度的影响,应用约束坐标轮换法优化程序找出影响因素的最佳组合;为真空浓缩生产提供理论依据。


      Abstract: In processing of quickdissolve soyamilk the concentrating technique can remove 60 %~70% moisture in the soyamilk. A technique of vacuum concentration for the soyamilk was discussed to improve the efficiency of drying. The main parameters affected the viscosity in concentrating were discussed, such as the vacuum Z1, the steam pressure Z2, and the soyabean milk density Z3. The correlation equation of the viscosity of soyabean milk and the parameters were established by an orthogonal quadratic regression rotary combination test. The effects of the parameters on the viscosity of soyabean milk were developed by the significant and relative analysis. The optimal parameters to make the viscosity of soyabean milk minimum were determined: Z1=0.087MPa, Z2=0.147MPa/cm2, Z3=20 %.


