
    Winter Environment Analysising on Enclosed Commercial Layer Housing in Beijing

    • 摘要: 对北京地区的典型密闭式蛋鸡舍的冬季环境进行了测试分析。结果表明:对三七外墙和200mm厚加气混凝土屋面的密闭式蛋鸡舍,每只蛋鸡的通风量为1.3m3/h时,可维持舍内外温差19℃左右,舍内CO浓度2 100×10-6左右,最高NH3浓度不超过18×10-6。不同的进气口形式与位置对舍内温度、有害气体的分布影响较大。


      Abstract: In order to find the environment distribution in enclosed layer housing in winter, some research work was done in Beijing region. Temperature diference between inside and outside could be about 19℃, the CO consistence was about 2 100×10-6, the NH3 consistence was no more than 18×10-6 when the ventilation rate is 1.3m3/h for each layer. The forms and locations of air inlets affect obviously the distribution of inside temperature and harmful air components.


