Study on High Density StackedCageRaising System of Layer
摘要: 蛋鸡叠层笼养工艺具有节约土地、减少环境污染、降低饲养成本、提高投资利用率和劳动生产率等优点,饲养密度达48.3~60只/m2,料蛋比2.2~2.5∶1,死淘率低于15%,与三层全阶梯笼养相比,可节约土地63.48%,提高劳动生产率160%~290%。Abstract: The high density, stackedcageraising system can significantly save land, reduce the environmental pollution,cut down raising cost, raise investment utilization ratio and working efficiency. It will be a new direction of future development to raise layers for its efficiency and economy. The raising density is 48.3~60 layers/m2,working efficiency is increased 160%~290% than old raising system.