
    Comparison Among Different BroilerRearing Technical Crafts

    • 摘要: 肉仔鸡不同饲养工艺对比试验结果表明,笼养比地面平养、棚架饲养有如下优势:1)提高了饲养密度,比地面平养、棚架饲养高1倍左右,大大减少建场面积。2)生长速度、饲料报酬明显高于地面平养和棚架饲养,每生产1kg活鸡,可减少160克饲料。3)腿病发生率低于棚架饲养,但与地面平养相近。4)出栏率明显高于地面平养和棚架饲养。5)每只鸡盈利比地面平养、棚架饲养分别高0.8元和0.56元。


      Abstract: Compared with floorrearing(FR) and slatrearing(SR) broiler technical crafts, cagerearing(CR) has its own advantages as follows: 1) Feeding density are doubled, thus less land is needed. 2) Higher growing performance and better feed convertion rate is available. For 1 kg liveweight gain, 160 g less feed is consumed. 3) Leg diseases occations are lower than SR, but similar with FR. 4) More qualified birds are produced than SR and FR. 5) 0.8 yuan and 0.56 yuan more margin per bird is obtained than FR and SR respectively.


