
    Study on Technology of Tunnel Incubation

    • 摘要: 巷道式孵化以其独特的气流方式区别于厢式孵化。巷道式孵化器的气流把含氧量最多的新鲜空气带给老的胚胎,把各阶段老胚胎释放的热量又供给需热的各阶段胚胎的发育,并始终保持着理想的设计温度。因而,所需功率相对较小,且孵化容量大,可以节约大量的能源,具有良好的经济性。讨论了进行巷道式孵化的孵化厅布局及孵化操作技术。中国农业大学正大肉鸡发展中心采用巷道式孵化器对7批艾维茵父母代种鸡的320万枚种蛋进行孵化,获得了优异的孵化成绩,受精蛋孵化率平均为94.75%,入孵蛋孵化率平均为85.67%,健雏率平均为98.28%。


      Abstract: Tunnel incubation has a unique way of air flow, which is different from that of traditional incubation. The air flow in the tunnel incubator takes fresh air having sufficient oxygen to old embryos of each stage. The flow also carries heat released from old embryos into developing embryos of early stage. The tunnel incubator always maintains ideal temperature designed, needs less power and has larger capacity. Therefore, it's very efficient and economical. The layout of incubation hall and operation technologies were discussed. 3.2 millions hatchedeggs of 7 flocks of AVIAN broiler breeders were incubated. Excellent hatching results have been achieved. The mean hatchabilities of all eggs and fertilizedeggs were 85.67% and 94.75%, respectively.


