
    The Informationalization and Industrialization of Feed Production Technology

    • 摘要: 建立饲料企业计算机局域网络,将总经理室、原料部、成品部、生产加工部、销售部、财务部、技术部和信息部等部门通过网络连接成一个整体,各部门既分工明确,又协同合作。该系统工程的设计和建成,不但能随时分析企业内部的信息,而且通过与其他网络的连接,及时了解到饲料行业最新科研动态和全国各地区各种原料及成品饲料的市场价格行情,使饲料生产技术实现信息化、工程化、产业化,增强饲料企业在市场中的竞争能力。


      Abstract: We will build a computer local network in feed enterprises, which integrates the general manager,material section, products section, production processing section,sales section,financial section,technology section, information section into one complete system. Each section will has its own responsibility,but cooperate with other section at the same time.The system can not only analyse information within enterprise at any time,but also quickly know the newly scientific research of feed industry and the market price of various material of the whole country. The informationalization and industrialization can strengthen the Competitive Capability of feed enterprise in the market.


