The Study on the SoilTool System Using Image Processing Technique
摘要: 提出一种用于分析土壤工作部件扰动土壤孔隙变化的图像处理方法。主要步骤为:处理样品的制备;图像获取和孔隙识别;土壤孔隙形态学参数的计算。并给出一个用于研究鼠道犁扰动土壤的实例。结果表明图像处理技术用于研究农机-土壤系统是有效的。Abstract: An image analysis method is proposed to describe the change of soil disturbed by soil working parts.Image processing has been perfornmed in three stages:samples collection and preparation,image acquisition and recongnition of soil porosity,calculation of soil morphology index.An example of this method is given for soil disturbed by a mole plough.Results show that this method can be used to study the soiltool system.