
    Review of Farming Irrigation in Beijing

    • 摘要: 系统分析了北京市水资源现状及农田灌溉的发展历史、现状、特点、发展趋势、存在的问题及对策与措施。介绍了北京郊区县几种典型节水灌溉方式。提出发展节水灌溉必须坚持水资源的用养结合,粮田要将田间节水作为重点,大力发展蔬菜和果树的节水灌溉,把水管理作为节水灌溉的重要内容,综合节水。


      Abstract: The features, history, and current of farming irrigation in Beijing area, and the way to deal with its problem were discussed systematically in the paper. The experiences of watersaving irrigation and the main irrigation ways in agriculture were introduced. The main watersaving irrigation ways in Beijing are sprinkling irrigation, pipe conveying irrigation ways in Beijing are sprinkling irrigation, pipe conveying irrigation, sprinklingpipe conveyingirrigation, multiwell automatic pipe conveying irrigation, and microirrigation. The development of Watersaving irrigation in Beijing must be combined with the usage and conservation of water resources and the development of watersaving technology in field, such as the development of vegetable and orchard watersaving irrigation, the development of water management in irrigation, and the development of comprehensive watersaving technology. The agriculture in Beijing should be a modern watersaving agriculture.


