
    Study on WaterSaving Techniques of Agriculture in Semihumid and Liable to Drought Region

    • 摘要: 根据1991~1993年在河南“商丘节水农业持续发展实验区”的田间试验观测结果,研究分析了抗旱作物品种、农田秸秆覆盖和化学调控等农业节水技术与水分利用效率间的关系及其在节水农业中的作用。结果表明,选用抗旱作物品种,在相同栽培条件下,作物水分利用效率提高0.54~0.56kg/mm;实施农田秸秆覆盖,1m土体内较对照多储水169.5m,节省灌溉用水2100mm/hm土壤储水有效利用率提高26.9%;应用抑蒸保墒化学药剂,麦田耕层土壤含水量增高4.7%,叶片含水率增加4.9%,农田水分利用效率提高14.4%~25.5%。充分显示,实施工程措施与生物措施相结合的农业节水技术,合理、有效地利用有限的环境水资源和最大限度地提高作物本身用水效率,发展节水农业,是我国半湿润易旱区农业可持续发展的重要途径之一。


      Abstract: Increasing use efficiency of the soil moisture is a key of watersaving agriculture. The adoptable watersaving techniques include mulching, varieties and chemical regulation agents, which not only can reduce evaporation and leakage of soil moisture and increase the water capacity of soil to raise water use efficiency, but also can enhance the effective change of the plants to soil moisture and increase the efficiency of water use by plant. Among them,the water capacity of soil in 1 m depth can increase about 169.5 m, the irrigation water can save around 2100 mm/hm2, and the available use efficiency of the soil moisture can raise 26.8 % by straw mulching straw; the water use efficiency of plant can raise from 0.54 kg/mm to 0.56 kg/mm by selecting the resistant varieties; the water percentage of topsoil and leaves increase 4.7 % and 4.9 % respectively by applying the chemical agents upon inhibiting evaporation and conserving soil moisture. The adoption of the savingwater techniques of agriculture which combined the reasonable and effective utilization of limited water resources, with saving water of plant to the almost extent is one of the important ways for the steady and sustainable increasing in production in the semihumid and liable to drought regions in China.


