Optimum Adjustment of Installation System of Hydraulic Ram
摘要: 该文针对水锤泵安装使用中存在的进水管费用太高,进水池水位高度无一定标准等问题,对安装系统中的进水管长度与水落差比(通常为8∶1),水位高度等技术参数进行了优化调整。试验证明进水管长度与水落差之比采用4∶1~6∶1,不但节省安装材料、降低成本,而且还能使水锤泵的提水流量大大提高。Abstract: This study was aimed to optimize the ratio of length of inwater pipe and water head, the results show that when the ratio is 4∶1~6∶1, the installation material and the expenditure can be reduced and the capacity of dilivery water by hydraulic ram can also be increased. The relationships among capacity of dilivery water, length of inwater pipe and water level at different water level was also given.