VoltageStabilizing of Flywheel PermanentMagnet Generators
摘要: 文章提出了一种新的飞轮式永磁发电机的设计方案,可以大幅度提高发电机低速电压,并对飞轮式永磁发电机的电磁设计和稳压原理进行了讨论。测试结果证明:研制的飞轮式恒压发电机具有良好的稳压输出性能,解决了永磁发电机转速在大范围变化时的稳压问题Abstract: A new type of flywheel permanentmagnet voltagestabilizing generators was developed, which possesses good output character, and can solve the problem of voltagestabilizing of permanentmagnet generators when speed varies in great range.The paper presented a new design scheme which can increase the lowspeed output voltage. The principle of eletricmagnetism design and voltagestabilizing were given.