
    Investigation on Biogas as a Fuel in Spark Ignition Engine

    • 摘要: 以不同比例的天然气和二氧化碳气体混合物来模拟不同气源的生物质气并在一台改装后的Ri-cardo E 6四冲程单缸点燃式发动机试验机上进行试验。文中给出了燃烧这些燃料时发动机的动力性、经济性以及CO、THC、NOx等排放数据。试验结果表明,生物质气中的二氧化碳能改善NOx排放指标,但降低了功率和热效率。提高压缩比能有效的改善动力性和经济性,但同时也增加了NOx和THC的排放量。采用稀燃技术可望兼顾二者的要求。


      Abstract: This study tested a Ricardo E6 engine operating on simulated biogas formed from mixtures of natural gas and carbon dioxide. The tests covered a range of air fuel ratios from rich to the lean limit at several speeds and a number of compression ratios. Measured results were given for power, exhaust temperature, thermal efficiency, and the CO, NOx and THC emissions. Experimental results indicate that carbon dioxide can improve NOx emissions, but lower the cylinder pressure, reduce engine power and thermal efficiency and increase the THC. Measured data also suggest that increasing the compression ratio is an effective means of improving biogas fuelled engine performance, particularly, in terms of power and thermal efficiency, but raise the emissions of both NOx and THC .


