
    Effects of Storing Kiwifruits and Properties of the LowEthylene ControlledAtmosphere Cold Store

    • 摘要: 介绍了猕猴桃低乙烯气调库。测定了库体的性能,研究了贮藏方式对猕猴桃贮藏性状的影响。结果表明:库体密封性能达良好级,乙烯浓度脱至0.02μL/L以下;低乙烯气调可延缓果实后熟软化。在两年180000kg果实商业贮藏中,果实贮期可达180天以上,果肉硬度为6.8kg/cm,好果率大于98%,货架期大于15天。低乙烯气调是猕猴桃的最佳贮藏方式


      Abstract: This paper introduces a lowethylene controlledatmosphere cold store for kiwifruits. The properties were measured, including the tightness and ethylene removal and ventilative velocity in the store. The effects of the various methods were investigated for the characteristics of kiwifruit storage. The results indicate that the tightness is good and the ethylene content is less than 0.02 μL/L in the low ethylene CA room. The fruits can keep fresh over 180 days. The ratio of sound fruits is 98 %.The fruit firmness is 6.8 kg/cm. The shelf life is over 15 days. The low ethylene controlled atmosphere is an optimum method for kiwifruit storage.


