
    Finite Element Analysis of Silo Wall Pressure

    • 摘要: 该文认为筒仓内的散体是服从Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则的理想弹塑性介质,散体与仓壁的摩擦属于Coulomb摩擦接触问题。建立了接触单元,从连续介质的角度,用有限元方法模拟了散体对带漏斗的筒仓的静态仓壁压力,以静态解为初始条件,用给定位移的方式,模拟了卸料初期的仓壁动压变化情况。


      Abstract: In this paper the granular media in storage was supposed to be elasticperfectly plastic behaviour material submitting to MohrCoulomb yield criterion, and the friction effect between granular media and silo wall was supposed to be Coulomb friction contact problem. The contact element was set up. According to continuum theory, the static pressures on wall of silohopper combined storehouse were simulated by finite element method.Take static solution as initial condition,the dynamic pressure variations of silo wall and hopper wall in initial stages of discharge were studied by the method of given displacement.


