
    Experimental Study on Main Parameters of Stone Cleanerfor Coarse CerealCleaning

    • 摘要: 在自行设计的杂粮去石精选机上用红小豆进行去石性能的试验研究,考察了曲柄转速、风扇进风口风速和连杆长度变化对工作性能的影响。试验表明,在正常工作范围内,上述三参数的变化对去石后物料的净度影响较小,对排石口排出物中含石率有一定影响。其主次因素顺序为曲柄转速和风扇进风口风速。选择合理参数、适当加大反向气流强度,能较好清除红小豆中砂石。在同一工况下,对鱼鳞台面和编织台面作了去石效果对比试验。提出采用组合式台面设想。


      Abstract: Available stone cleaner was only suitable for rice and wheat. A stone cleaner for red bean was developed and the effects of rotation speed of crank, air flow speed and link length on working performance were studied experimentally. The results show that in normal working condition the parameters almost do not affect the product purity and only affect the stone content in discharged material. The rotation speed of crank and air flow speed are the main factors. If selecting the suitable parameters and increasing air flow speed in opposite direction, the stone cleaner can get rid of stones from the redbean. Under the same working condition the performances of removing stones on frogmouth table and woven screen table were studied. An idea for improving design by combined tables was proposed.


