
    Schedules and Managements of Irrigation in the HighYielding Cultivation of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize in Yucheng City of Shandong Province

    • 摘要: 根据中国科学院禹城综合试验站蒸渗仪所测的作物耗水量资料,简要分析了山东省禹城市冬小麦、夏玉米的耗水量及其耗水过程。该市冬小麦平均耗水量为482.2mm,水分利用率为11.01kg/(hm·mm);夏玉米平均耗水量为398.9mm,水分利用率为19.79kg/(hm·mm)。文中还研究了公顷单产为6000kg的冬小麦、公顷单产为9000kg的夏玉米的高产灌溉制度及其管理。该市冬小麦高产灌溉定额为360mm,应灌播前或越冬水,返青或起身水、拔节水、抽穗水和灌浆水;夏玉米高产灌溉定额为150mm,应灌苗期水、开花水和灌浆水。


      Abstract: According to experimental data on the water consumption of crop measured by lysimeter at Yucheng Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the water consumptions and the waterconsumpting processes of winter wheat and summer maize were respectively analyzed.The water consumption of crop was 482.2 mm for winter wheat and 398.9 mm for summer maize. The water use efficiency was 11.01 kg·(hm·mm)-1 for winter wheat and 19.79 kg·(hm·mm)-1 for summer maize in Yucheng City. The schedules and managements of irrigation in the highyielding cultivation of winter wheat and summer maize were studied. The yield is 6000 kg/hm for winter wheat, and 9000 kg/hm for summer maize respectively.The highyielding irrigating quota is 360 mm for winter wheat and 150 mm for summer maize. The irrigation periods are overwintering, greenturning, jointing, heading and milking for winter wheat and emergence, flowering and milking for summer maize. 


