
    Field Measurement of Unsaturated SoilWater Movement Parameters

    • 摘要: 在秦王川灌区利用双环入渗仪在现场进行了积水入渗试验,同时利用γ射线测定土壤水分剖面,进而根据室内外所测定的土壤水分特征曲线,推求了该灌区非饱和土壤水分运动参数,并对室内外所确定的结果进行了对比分析。


      Abstract: The insitu ponding infiltration test was conducted with the doublering infiltration device and the soil water content profile was measured with the γ ray in Qinwangchuan irrigatedarea. Based on the measured soil water retention curve in lab and field, the soilwater movement parameters were determined and the measured results in lab and field were compared and analyzed in order to lay a foundation for simulation of unsaturated soilwater movement in the area.


