产学研结合 促进农业产业化发展

    Combining the Teaching With Research and Production to Promote the Development ofAgricultural Industrialization

    • 摘要: 华南农业大学以技术入股的方式,与广东省温氏食品集团有限公司合作,实现了产学研相结合,促进了农业产业化的发展,由于有了高校的科技优势作依托,企业发展有了强大后盾,实现了决策科学化,管理科学化和生产科学化。与企业合作,学校走出了一条产学研相结合的新路,丰富了教学内容,开辟了科研新天地,建立了稳定的教学实践基地,巩固了学生的专业思想,改善了办学条件,提高了办学活力,实践证明这是一条成功的办学之路。


      Abstract: South China Agricultural University cooperates with Wens Food Limited Company by using the technology as the shares, which promotes the combination of the teaching with research and production and the development of the company and the university. Because of having the university’s high science and technology as the backing, the development of the company gets strong support and the company has accomplished the scientization of strategic design, management and production.Cooperating with farmer’s company, the university develops a new way for the combination of the teaching with research and production. It enrichs the teaching contents, develops a new research field, builds a stable teaching practice base, consolidates the students’ specialization mind, increases the university’s fund and improves the university teaching condition.


