
    WinterWheat Sown Area Estimation Using NOAAAVHRR Data

    • 摘要: 冬小麦种植面积是农情监测中一个重要的监测因素,对生产管理与产量预测有重要意义。该文在冬小麦与同期主要大宗作物绿度-时相曲线对比分析的基础之上,建立反映冬小麦种植区域的差值植被指数图像,采用遥感-统计的方法,对利用NOAA图像进行冬小麦种植面积遥感监测进行了初步研究。通过对我国冬小麦主产区的河北、河南和山东三省的监测实验证明,该方法适用于大范围的冬小麦种植面积遥感监测。


      Abstract: Winterwheat sown area on national or regional scale is a piece of important information for agricultural management and production estimation.Based on the comparative analysis of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of winterwheat and other main crops, a kind of difference image of NDVI was established,and a remote sensingstatistic method was developed to forcast winterwheat sown area. The case studies of Hebei,Henan and Shandong Provinces, which are the main winterwheat areas in China, showed this method is adapt to winterwheat sown area estimation over a large area by means of remote sensing using NOAA AVHRR data.


