
    Resource and Environmental Information Service System for Ministry of Agriculture

    • 摘要: 农业部部级资源环境信息服务示范系统的目标是运用遥感与GIS技术监测我国的土地资源与环境,并结合农业部的统计数据库与计算机网络设备,建立农业部资源环境信息服务体系,为农业部各司局提供可靠及时的农业资源环境信息,为农业资源的永续利用,建立可持续发展的农业体系提供决策支持的技术保证。该文介绍了示范系统的功能结构与软件结构的设计,以及系统实现方案。


      Abstract: Agricultural Resource and Environmental Information Service Demonstration System is a subproject of the national key project “National Basic Resource and Environmental Information System Based on Remote Sensing” supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this subproject is to develop an agricultural land resources and environmental system using the information collected by satellite based on remote sensing technology and the statistic data from the Ministry of Agriculture on national scale. The information system was developed on a GIS platform and run on an intranet in the Ministry of Agriculture which will provide the government with timely and more accurate agricultural land information for decision making.


