
    Effect of StrawChemical Mixed Fertilizer on Wheat Producing

    • 摘要: 将作物秸秆采用0.5MPa以上的蒸汽压力处理使其在20min内腐熟,加入适量比例化肥挤压造粒,制成秸秆复混肥,该肥料含秸秆物质40%以上,氮、磷、钾含量分别为7.86%、4.97%和14.77%。田间小麦应用试验表明,秸秆物质对提高肥料利用率,提高作物产量有明显效果。进一步研究还发现,腐熟秸秆与化肥的复混使用可以获得较高的经济效益,其产投比远远高于磷酸二铵和其它普通复混肥。


      Abstract: Crop straw is one of the organic fertilizer resources.Traditional methods need very long time to make it decayed naturally. In this study, the dry straw was treated with steam and pressure above 0.5 MPa for 20 minutes, then it was mixed with chemical fertilizers and the mixture was put in field of wheat. The strawchemical fertilizer contained dry straw material beyond 40%,available N 7.86 %,P2O5 4.97% and K2O 14.77%. The field experiment showed the straw material had the function of increasing fertilizer efficiency and crop production. The economic effect analysis for the test was made in this paper too. It indicates under the condition of the same investment, application of strawchemical fertilizer will obtain higher economic benefits than chemical compound fertilizer and diammonium phosphate.


