
    Application of Vegetable Oil in the LowHeatTransfer D.I. Diesel Engine

    • 摘要: 介绍一种可燃用植物油的新型低散热直喷式柴油机,分析了低散热燃油系统对植物油的着火特性、燃烧过程的影响。试验表明,燃用菜籽油与燃用柴油对比,百公里油耗基本一致,标定工况对比,燃用柴油时比油耗g=226g/kW·h,燃用菜籽油时g=259g/kW·h,而排放NOx、HC、烟度均有降低。


      Abstract: A new kind of lowheattransfer D.I. diesel engine which can burn vegetable oil is introduced. The effects of lowheattransfer combustion system on the oil ignition and combustion were discussed. The engine performances,economic index and exhaust were analyzed. According to the lowheattramsfer idea, an heatisolation technique was used in the design of the piston top. This new engine can not only use vegetable oil as fuel, but also decline the NOx,HC exhaust. The consumption rate of vegetable fuel is 15 % higher than that of the diesel fuel. For getting the same dynamic performance the fule of vegetable oil should be increased.


