
    Computer Vision for Color Sorting of Fresh Fruits

    • 摘要: 以计算机视觉自动检测果实表面着色度并进行分级为目的,建立了室内计算机视觉系统获取苹果果实的彩色图像,并将RGB值转换成HLS值;在分析苹果颜色特性的基础上,确定了用合适色相值下累计着色面积百分比进行颜色分级的方法。分级试验结果表明,用建立的准则和方法,计算机视觉分级与人工分级的一致度在88%以上。


      Abstract: To grade fruit surface color by automatic computer vision detecting system, an indoor computer vision system was set up. By using this system the RGB values of apple hues were converted into HLS coordinate, and the cluster hues distribution curves can be determined by experiments. Because there are four fruit overlapping hue distribution curves, it is difficult to be used for grading. Otherwise in the frequency picture of cluster hues distribution, different hues are separated in the region between 0~80°, we can grade color according to the percentage of clustering color area under appropriate hues. The experiments with RedStar apple revealed that the way can improve the average consistence between computer vision grading and manual grading to over 88 %.


