
    Study on Temperature and Humidity ControllerBased on Microprocessor Technology

    • 摘要: 冷库温湿度计算机控制仪主要由MCS-51系列单片机、A/D转换器、输出控制电路、显示电路、报警电路、测温和测湿器件等组成。温湿度控制范围为:温度(-40~11℃)±0.5℃;相对湿度:(0~100%)±(2%~3%)。几年来的试运行结果表明,利用该计算机控制仪控制冷库的温湿度,控制精度高,库内温湿度波动小,提高了冷冻产品的质量,而且能耗明显降低,平均可节电8%~10%。


      Abstract: The temperature and humidity controller consists of MCS51 singleboard computer, A/D convector,output circuit, display circuit, alarm circuit, temperature and humidity sensor, etcs. The controllable range of the instrument is temperature (-40~11℃)±0.5 ℃, relative humidity(0~100%)±(2%~3%). The controller has run in a cold storage plant since 1991. Test results show that the controller has the feature of high control precision and can lower down the fluctuation of temperature and humidity in cold storage plant, thus resulting in improved quality of cold storage products and less power consumption(reducing 8 %~10% in average).


