
    21st Century Tendency and Distinguishing Feature of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering Development

    • 摘要: 基于分析20世纪后期,世界农业发生的重大变化及由此引起的全球环境恶化等问题,本文着重论述了21世纪农业及农业工程科学技术发展的趋势与特点。说明持续农业是世界农业发展的总趋势。依照世界农业、农业工程科学技术发展的态势,根据我国的国情及适合我国国情的现代化农业发展道路,阐述了我国农业及农业工程科学技术发展的目标与方向。


      Abstract: In view of the worldwide great development of agriculture and the aggravated environment during the 20th century, the tendency and distinguishing feature of agriculture and agricultural engineering science and technology development of 21st century was emphatically pointed out in this paper. It is consequently indicated that sustainable development is a general trend of agriculture in the world. In the light of the development of agriculture and act in accordance with the national conditions the target and direction of agricultural engineering development was expounded.


