
    Semi-variogram Problems in Soil Spatial Variability

    • 摘要: 简要回顾了土壤空间变异的研究。根据地质统计学理论和多年从事土壤空间变异研究的经验,对土壤空间变异研究的关键问题——半方差函数的基本假设、取样、模型选取及模型的检验进行了讨论,并对确定半方差函数模型应注意的问题提出建议。在保证取样样本容量的前提下,检查测定数据是否服从内蕴假设;注意提高每一个估算值的置信水平;尽量选择安全型模型作为半方差函数模型;对确定的半方差模型进行统计检验。由此可以求得较为客观合理的半方差模型。


      Abstract: This paper briefly reviews the study of soil spatial variability. Based on the theory of geostatistics and the research experience in soil spatial variability, the problem of semi-variogram which is a key to study soil spatial variability was discussed,including its basic hypothesis, sampling, modeling and statistic test. Some suggestions were given for determining semi-variogram model,such as on the condition of satisfying sample size: checking the data whether they correspond to the intrinsic hypothesis: enhancing the confidence for every estimating point, choosing the safety model as semivariogram model and testing statistically to semi-variogram model.


