
    Study on the Near Infrared Moisture Analyzer for Soil Surface

    • 摘要: 为了深入开展土壤粘附研究,依据水的红外特征吸收原理,研制了一台红外土壤表面水分测量仪。实验证明,该仪器具有测量精度高,测量速度快,不干扰破坏被测土壤系统,可长期在线监测等一系列优点,其标准测量误差为0.13%。文中还对该仪器中所使用的相关滤波器原理及滤波效果等问题进行了讨论。该仪器也可用来测量烟草、纸张、面粉、茶叶等物质的含水量。


      Abstract: In the research on the soil adhesion, it is necessary to measure the soil surface moisture, so that a near infrared moisture analyzer for soil surface was developed, which is based on the near infrared specific absorptive principle of water. The analyzer possesses many advantages such as high pricision, short measuring time, without disturbing the measured soil system and can be used on line. Its standard measuring error is 0.13%. The principle and effection of correlation filter are also discussed in the paper. The analyzer can be also used to measure the moisture of many substances, such as tobacco, paper, flour and tea.


