
    Processing Technology and Architecture Designfor a Large Corn FineProcessing Factory

    • 摘要: 该项目为大型玉米深加工综合利用工程,一期工程生产淀粉,二期工程制药。淀粉生产工艺采用先进技术路线,引进关键设备,使淀粉得率达到98%。厂区规划布局紧凑,功能合理。主体车间建筑采用大柱距,大跨度,重荷设备上楼,多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,安全适用。整个项目技术经济指标较先进,企业的经济效益和社会效益明显。


      Abstract: This project aimed to develop comprehensive utilization of a large corn fineprocessing factory. The first stage of the project is to produce starch, the second stage is to produce medicine. An advanced technology was adopted for starch processing and the key equipment was introduced from abroad, and the gain rate of starch can reach to 98 %. The factory building was planned and arranged compactly with reasonable functional areas and wonderful and harmonious relationship of mass spaces. Big column spacing, big span, heavy loading and multilayer reinforced concrete frame construction were adopted for the main workshop to satisfy the need of safety and suitability. The project possessed uptodate technical and economical index and obvious economic and social benefit.


