
    Study on the Measurement of Technology Percentage Composition in Ecoagriculture

    • 摘要: 对技术含量的实质、技术含量提高与经济增长的关系进行了分析,提出了技术含量的测定方法。并结合生态农业建设项目注重生态环境的特点,对生态农业技术含量的测定方法进行了研究,得出了一套生态农业技术含量的测定方法,并用此法对山西省闻喜县生态农业建设技术含量进行了测定。


      Abstract: Firstly, after analyzing the technology percentage composition and the relationship between the technology percentage composition and the rate of technology progress, one set of measurement for measuring technology percentage composition was put out. Then, depending on the characteristics of ecoagriculture construction, which pays more attention to the ecology and environment, and one set of measurement of technology percentage composition in ecoagriculture construction was made out.


