
    Process Simulation on Stripping Rotor With Triangle Plate Teeth

    • 摘要: 运用AutoCAD(R14)版本的绘图软件和图解分析功能对割前脱粒联合收割机摘脱割台板齿、摘脱滚筒梳刷作物的过程进行了计算机仿真研究,并图解有关割台工作参数,为割前脱粒联合收割机摘脱割台的运动与结构参数的合理确定提供了依据。编制的程序软件在4LGT-130型自走式稻麦联合收割机割台设计中得到应用。


      Abstract: In this paper the drawing and diagram analysis function of AutoCAD(R14) were utilized for describing the stripping straw process, and the computer simulations were given and the relevant working parameters were explained through diagrams. It can provide evidence for determining the working parameters and construction parameters of stripped header for threshing prior to reaping combine.The program compiled by author has been applied to designing header of 4LGT-130 combine for rice and wheat.


