
    Experimental Research on a New Corn ZeroTillage Seeder

    • 摘要: 研制了一种小型适用于小麦玉米两茬平作区的具有深松、播种、施肥功能的玉米免耕播种机,获国家实用新型专利。该机施肥播种共用一个窄幅开沟器,化肥点施于两穴种子之间,可一次完成深松、开沟、施肥、播种、覆土、镇压工序。生产试验表明,各项技术性能满足农业种植要求。本机被农业部选为全国首批推荐精少量播种机具。


      Abstract: A new corn zerotillage seeder with deep loosening and fertilization function, which can be used to seed corn in wheatcorn plantation area, was developed. It uses the same narrow opener to seed and fertilize. Fertilizer is applied between two seed holes. Experiments showed that the technical performance index can meet the needs of agricultural plantation. As a patent product, the seeder was selected by the Ministry of Agriculture as one of the precision seeders that have priority to popularize. 


