Analysis Method on Reducing Emission of SO2 and CO2 by Rural Energy Construction
摘要: 农村能源建设从节约能源和开发利用可再生能源以替代常规能源两个方面对减排SO2和CO2作出贡献。该文以国际通用的减排量计算方法为依据,在具体分析农村能源特点的基础上,提出了农村能源建设对减排SO2和CO2贡献的定量分析方法、计算公式和参数,并对1996年农村能源建设的环境效益进行了计算。此方法可为农村能源政策分析提供有益参考。Abstract: According to the general method to calculate reducing emission SO2 and CO2 in the world, quantity analysis method, calculating formulation and the parameter on the reducing emission SO2 and CO2 by rural energy construction were given based on the characteristics of rural energy. The method can provide a good reference to research rural energy policies.