
    Computer Control Pattern of Separate Concentrated Feed Additive Compound System for LargeMiddle Feed Plant

    • 摘要: 研究了饲料添加剂、预混料、全价料三个离散独立的配混系统各自特点及互联规律,提出用一台总线工控微机集中控制的模式。提出并实施了多任务分合式新的软件结构程式及计算机对空中落差自我学习新方法,解决了系统的精度与速度问题,减少了工程的设备及场地的投资,实现了生产的现代化科学管理。


      Abstract: Based on the analysis of characteristics of three separated systems of feed additive,precompound system and feed compound system, a concentrated shaped microcomputer control system with STD total bus was used to control feed compound system. The multitask and seperateconcentrated software diagram was used in the control system. CPU will sychronously separateconcentrated work by interupting, timing and cycling, if the event is random or influences the system accuracy directly, or CPU will discrectly work by asynchronously inquiring and subprograme nexting. This article also put forword the hybrid timing control with software interuption INT48H and error selflearning of computer system, which improves the system accuracy, reduces equipment investment and modernizes production management.


