朱永达, 汪超, 应纪来, 于亦文. 我国当前就业态势的定量分析与对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 1-5.
    引用本文: 朱永达, 汪超, 应纪来, 于亦文. 我国当前就业态势的定量分析与对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 1-5.
    Zhu Yongda, Wang Chao, Ying Jilai, Yu Yiwen. Quantitative Analysis of Present Employment Situation and Its Countermeasuresin China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 1-5.
    Citation: Zhu Yongda, Wang Chao, Ying Jilai, Yu Yiwen. Quantitative Analysis of Present Employment Situation and Its Countermeasuresin China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 1-5.


    Quantitative Analysis of Present Employment Situation and Its Countermeasuresin China

    • 摘要: 针对我国目前城镇失业率逐渐爬高的态势,先利用托达罗均衡失业率模型对我国历年的均衡失业率进行估算,进而得出我国目前的失业率在8%左右。然后又分别利用就业弹性理论分析我国三产业的就业状况,指出就业弹性的下降是我国失业问题的成因之一。最后提出了解决我国目前失业问题的若干政策建议。


      Abstract: In the view of continual creeping of the unemployment rate in China, the Todaro Balanced Unemployment Rate Model was used to calculate the balanced unemployment rate in the past years. The model can reflect the existing employment situation more exactly for considering the economic factors such as the economic growth, labor natural growth, rural population flowing caused by the different incomes and the chance of employment. The balanced unemployment rate was simulated according to different employment chance by the Todaro Balanced Unemployment Model and then the unemployment rate at present was estimated, which is about 8 %. After that, by using the Employment Elasticity Theory the employment situation of the three industries was analysed and a conclusion that thedescend of the employment elasticity is one of the reasons that cause the unemployment problem was drawn. Some suggestions were put forward for the policymaking.


