Water and Salt Transport Model in Farmland Under Planting
摘要: 将农田水、盐运移与作物动态生长这一大系统分解、组合,分别建立了饱和—非饱和土壤水分运动、土壤盐分运动及农作物生长3个子模型,分析了3个子模型之间的动态耦合关系,并给出了相应的求解方法,结合实例进行分析,结果表明,实测资料与计算结果吻合较好,为节水灌溉和防治盐渍化提供了新的决策途径。Abstract: The large scale system which consists of soil water and salt transport and crop dynamic growing was decomposed. Three submodels were provided, which are saturatedunsaturated soil water movement model,salt transport model and crop dynamic growing model.The coupling relations of them and the related numerical solving methods were analyzed.Example showed that the models are reasonable.