
    Study and Analysis on the Structure of the Front Frame of a Loader Using Finite Element Method

    • 摘要: 该文为装载机前车架空间结构研制了结构尺寸参数可变的有限元建模程序,详细介绍了建模方法和建模程序的结构组成及各功能子程序,并通过数据格式的转化生成可直接被ADINA软件调用的模型数据文件。利用该建模程序和ADINA分析程序构成的分析系统,只需输入若干个车架基本尺寸参数,就可自动完成模型的数据生成及计算分析,并对ZL60D前车架进行有限元强度计算分析。通过计算,对其设计提出了改进意见。计算结果证实了该结构模型的正确性及实用性。


      Abstract: A parametric finite element modelling program was developed orienting to the special structure of the front frame of a loader, and the modelling method was introduced in detail as well as the structure and subroutine of the program. Model data file used by ADINA software was also generated through converting data format. The finite element strength calculation and analysis on the front frame of ZL60D were developed. Modified suggestion to the design based on the calculation was presented. The calculated results proved that the model program is accurate and useful.


