马承伟, 黄之栋, 穆丽君. 连栋温室地中热交换系统贮热加温的试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 160-164.
    引用本文: 马承伟, 黄之栋, 穆丽君. 连栋温室地中热交换系统贮热加温的试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 160-164.
    Ma Chengwei, Huang Zhidong, Mu Lijun. Experiment of Heating & Heatstoring of the Underground Heat Exchange System in a Multispan Greenhouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 160-164.
    Citation: Ma Chengwei, Huang Zhidong, Mu Lijun. Experiment of Heating & Heatstoring of the Underground Heat Exchange System in a Multispan Greenhouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 160-164.


    Experiment of Heating & Heatstoring of the Underground Heat Exchange System in a Multispan Greenhouse

    • 摘要: 为解决连栋温室冬季能耗大、费用高的问题,进行了采用地中热交换系统部分代替燃煤的贮热加温试验。测定了空气和管道周围土壤贮、放热前后的温度等参数变化,系统在夜间加温能力可达加温热流量60W/m,可有效保证夜间室内气温高于室外11℃以上。


      Abstract: In China, the cost of production in multispan greenhouse is very high for its high energy consumption. It is necessary to develop the technology of energy saving for multispan greenhouse production. The heating experiment using underground heat storage system, replacing fuel to some extent, was carried out in a multispan greenhouse. It was showed that the solar heat can be stored during the daytime by circulating the warm greenhouse air through the pipes buried in the greenhouse soil, and the heat can be obtained effectively from the soil through the pipes at night. During the daytime, the warm greenhouse air was cooled down and decreased in temperature by 6~8 and in enthalpy by 13~20kJ/kg, after flowed through the pipes and stored heat into the pipes. During the nighttime, the greenhouse air was warmed up and increased in temperature by 4~5.5 and in enthalpy by 7~10kJ/kg, after flowed through the pipes and gained heat from the soil. When the system was run at night, it could give heat for about 60W/m (greenhouse floor) and the inside air temperature of the greenhouse was 11 or higher than outside temperature.


