顾树华, 周泸萍, 姚向阳. 秸秆气化集中供气系统经济和外部效益评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 172-176.
    引用本文: 顾树华, 周泸萍, 姚向阳. 秸秆气化集中供气系统经济和外部效益评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 172-176.
    Gu Shuhua, Zhou Luping, Yao Xiangyang. Assessment of Economic Benifits From Straw Gasification System for Centralized Village Cooking Gas Supply Developed by ERI of SDAS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 172-176.
    Citation: Gu Shuhua, Zhou Luping, Yao Xiangyang. Assessment of Economic Benifits From Straw Gasification System for Centralized Village Cooking Gas Supply Developed by ERI of SDAS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 172-176.


    Assessment of Economic Benifits From Straw Gasification System for Centralized Village Cooking Gas Supply Developed by ERI of SDAS

    • 摘要: 从财务和国民经济角度评价了山东省科学院能源研究所研制开发的秸秆气化集中供气系统在经济上的可行性,进行了影响因素分析和盈亏平衡分析,定量研究了众所关注的“大马拉小车”问题,并对未来市场条件下系统引进借贷机制后的财务承受力和经济获益力做了初步分析。本文还论及提供清洁能源的秸秆气化技术对温室气体减排的贡献。


      Abstract: Straw thermal decomposition and gasification now arises hot interests in renewable energy ultilizing technology. In this Paper, both the financial and economic analyses of the straw gasification system for centralized village cooking gas supply, developed by Energy Research Insititute(ERI) of Shandong Academy of Sciences (SDAS), were given to assess its feasibility from the economic view. In addition to the normal impact analysis and breakeven analysis, the common problem of inadequate use of system capacity was sized up by quantitative methods, as well as the preliminary analysis of the projects sustainable capacity in finance and benifit capacity in economy under the mechanism of market and the introduction of loan.


